TREC is an international equestrian trail sport that tests the skills, confidence, and abilities of horses and riders or driving teams over various terrains and obstacles.
- TREC takes two forms – Ridden TREC and Driven TREC.
- Both forms involve an Orienteering Phase and a Trail Obstacle Phase.
- Ridden TREC includes a third phase known as Control of Paces.

Things that differentiate TREC from other trail sports include:
- The development of navigational skills which gives riders and drivers the freedom to explore greater areas with their horses and ponies.
- A well-defined set of obstacles with standardized specifications and scoring giving competitors the opportunity to practice and improve their skills.
View The Ridden Obstacle Gallery
Most of all – TREC is fun !
- TREC is suitable to most breeds of horses and many styles of riding and driving, as well as a wide range of skill levels of riders and drivers.
- TREC builds confidence and teaches practical skills that promotes the safe enjoyment of riding and driving in the outdoors.
View the Driven TREC Obstacle Gallery
Coming Soon:
- Orienteering 101
- Mapmaking / Route Planning
- Obstacle Building / Course Design
- And More!