Control of Paces

Phase II of a Ridden TREC Competition

Control of Paces / COP     60 Points

This phase is also known as the Maîtrise des Allures or MA.

Phase II – The Control of Paces (COP) is designed to demonstrate a rider’s ability to influence the horse’s gait and maintain direction. In international competitions this phase is called Maîtrise des Allures (or MA).


Control of Paces (COP)  is a timed exercise ridden along  a 150 X 2 meter marked corridor that may be straight or gently curved. There are 1-2 timekeepers depending on the method used and 5 judges spread out along the corridor spotting for a break in gait.


  1. To canter the corridor as SLOW as possible without breaking gait or stepping outside of the corridor.
  2. To walk the corridor as FAST as possible without breaking gait or stepping outside of the corridor.


60 total points are possible (30 per section).

Times are converted to points.  (See TREC Resources)

Stepping outside corridor or breaking gait =  Score of 0 for that section.


The Control of Paces / Mastery of Gaits is the same for all Levels.


Riders may use vocal cues to encourage their horse and help create cadence.

Riders may carry a dressage whip in this phase.

Riding with stirrups dropped allows for a longer leg and can give a distinct cue to your horse with practice / training.

Control of Paces is a simple exercise that can be difficult to master!