A figure 8 marked by 2 barrels 15 m. apart, and 2 flagged gates 4 m. wide, placed on center, 10 m. before and after the barrels. There should also be a line marked on the ground extending from either side of entrance and exit.
To ride one-handed through the entrance gate, perform a figure 8 around the barrels and exit without touching the barrels, or breaking gait. The course designer may choose the direction in which the barrels are crossed. If not marked the choice is left to the rider.
Scoring This Obstacle
See also: Ridden Obstacles / Scoring
Effectiveness Faults (E Score) -3 per incident
BEFORE the obstacle:
– Running Out
– Error of Course Corrected
– Stepping Back
– Refusal
– Circling
IN the obstacle:
– Break of Gait
– Contacting a Barrel: 1 fault per contact
Choice of Gait (G Score)
LEVELS 1 & 2 / USA: Walk -2 / Trot 0 / Canter +3
LEVELS 3 & 4 / USA + FITE: Walk: X (No Score) / Trot -2 / Canter +3
For break of gait: the lowest gait is scored. Recovery of the original gait NA.
Penalties (P Score)
– Brutality (-5)
– Dangerous Riding (-5)
– Fall of Horse or Rider (Rider Excused)
– Leaving The Obstacle (-10)
– Knocking Down a Barrel – 10
– Two Hands on Reins -10
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Ridden TREC Obstacles / Scoring

– Scroll to the bottom of the page for Judge’s Scorecard –
Obstacle Building Tips: One Handed Figure 8

Setting this obstacle is all about measuring!
- It is typically easier to mark out this obstacle with 2 people (depending on personality types).
- Marking an x under the barrels makes resetting easier.
- Flagging the barrels is unneccesary.
- Marking the barrels A-B is optional (course designers discretion).
- Decorating the barrels can make it more challenging.
- Coming Soon: Flagging and Course Marking Tips
A. E Score: 7 – 3 = 4 (Break of Gait) / G Score L2 Trot = 0 / Total: 4
B. E Score: 7 / G Score 3 / Total: 10
C. E Score: 7 / G Score 3 (Lead Change NA) / Total: 10
D. E Score: 7 / G Score 3 / Total: 10*
*Rider D – This is not a style obstacle!
If rider was using split reins and dropped a rein it might be considered Dangerous Riding / Penalty -5.